“C’est facile de dire non!... Pour dire oui, il faut suer et retrousser ses manches, empoigner vie a pleines mains et s’en mettre jusqu’aux coudes. C’est facile de dire non, meme si on doit mourir. Il n’y a qu’a ne pas bouger et attendre. Attendre pour vivre, attendre meme pour qu’on vous tue”.
“It is easy to say no!… To say yes, one must sweat and roll up his sleeves, to grasp life with full hands and sink oneself into it upto the elbows. It is easy to say no, even if you have to die. There is nothing to do but not to move and to wait. To wait to live or to wait even for someone to kill you”.
– Creon in Antigone, Jean Anouilh.